Contact Info
I appreciate you visiting WWIIGermanSniper.com! I hope you enjoyed the site. My name is Matt Darnell and I have been studying and collecting sniper rifles from WWII for the past 10 years. I have always been most interested in the war between Germany and Russia from 1941 to 1945. I created this website to help people learn about the rifles used by German sharpshooters during this time period. I am by no means the end all be all "expert" of German and Russian snipers. Collecting is a never ending, learning process that requires continual study and research. As I learn more, I will update the website. Over the last several year I have had several collectors help me in the hobby and I would like to do the same for others. So if you have a question about a potential purchase or would like to buy or sell something, then please feel free to contact me.
Also, as a attempt to reunite scopes and rifles, I am keeping data on known original rifles and scopes. Feel free to send me the information you have in hopes that we can reunite the rifle to it's matching scope. The only info you need to send me is the rifle serial number, mounting type, year, maker and contact info. I will not share this information with anyone else without the owners permission. Thanks!
Matt Darnell
I appreciate you visiting WWIIGermanSniper.com! I hope you enjoyed the site.

*** I buy original WWII German and Russian sniper rifles and parts ***